SEO Trends & Tips:
The Ultimate Guide to Ranking First on Google

by Fabio Peters

High qualilty content is essential to rank on Google.

What are new SEO trends in 2024?

To rank on Google in 2024, it’s important to understand that search engine algorithms and ranking factors are constantly evolving. While I can provide some general guidelines, please keep in mind that the specifics may change over time.

Voice and Mobile Search

Voice and mobile search have significantly impacted SEO (Search Engine Optimization) by changing the way people search for information online and the way search engines rank and display results. Here’s an explanation of how voice and mobile search affect SEO, along with a real-world example:

Suppose you run a local Italian restaurant in Toronto. To adapt to voice search, you optimize your website and online profiles for queries like “What’s the best Italian restaurant near me?” or “Where can I buy pizza in Toronto?” You also ensure that your business details, such as address, phone number, and customer reviews, are accurate and up-to-date on Google My Business. This increases the chances of your restaurant being recommended by voice assistants when users inquire about nearby restaurants.

Voice search involves users speaking into a device (e.g., smartphones, smart speakers) to perform a search rather than typing queries into a search engine. This has several implications for SEO:

Longer, conversational queries. Voice searches tend to be more conversational and natural. Users are more likely to ask full questions instead of using keywords. For example, someone might say, “Hey Google, what’s the weather like today?” instead of typing “weather forecast.”

Featured snippets and position zero. Voice assistants often read out answers from featured snippets, which are concise and structured pieces of information displayed at the top of search results. SEO efforts should focus on optimizing for featured snippets to increase the likelihood of being the voice search answer.

Local optimization. Voice searches are often location-specific, with users asking for nearby businesses or services. Optimizing for local SEO, including accurate business listings and reviews, is crucial for voice search success.

Mobile search refers to searches performed on smartphones and tablets. As mobile devices have become the primary means of accessing the internet, mobile search has its own set of SEO considerations:

Mobile-friendly websites. Google considers mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor. Websites that are responsive and provide a seamless user experience on mobile devices are more likely to rank higher in mobile search results.

Page speed. Mobile users expect fast-loading pages. Slow-loading websites can lead to higher bounce rates and lower rankings. Optimizing page speed for mobile is essential for SEO success.

Local and on-the-go intent. Many mobile searches have local or immediate intent, such as finding nearby restaurants, stores, or services. Optimizing for local SEO and using location-based keywords is crucial for businesses targeting mobile users.

Let’s say you own a storefront in Montreal. To cater to mobile search users, you ensure that your website is responsive, loads quickly on mobile devices, and offers a streamlined shopping cart system for on-the-go users. You also focus on local SEO strategies to appear in the top results when people search for “best restaurants in Montreal” on their smartphones.

Google Passages 

Google Passages was introduced by Google to improve the search engine’s ability to understand and rank web content more accurately, particularly for long and detailed articles. It was officially announced in October 2020 as part of Google’s efforts to provide better search results to users by extracting and highlighting specific passages or sections of a webpage that are most relevant to a user’s query.

Tighten page headers

Here’s how Google Passages works:

Focused on Content Blocks: Google Passages focuses on understanding and indexing specific content blocks or passages within a webpage, rather than just the overall content of the page.

Precise Matching: When a user enters a query, Google’s algorithms analyze the query’s context and intent to identify the most relevant passages from webpages, even if those passages are not in the page’s main headings or metadata.

Improved Rankings: Passages allows Google to rank pages based on the relevance of specific sections within a page, rather than just the page as a whole. This means that a page with valuable information buried deep within it can still rank well if that content matches a user’s query.

Featured Snippets: Google Passages can also be used to generate featured snippets for specific queries, providing direct answers to users’ questions by highlighting relevant passages within web content.

Enhanced User Experience: The goal of Passages is to enhance the user experience by ensuring that search results lead users to the most relevant and specific information within a webpage, rather than forcing them to scan through entire articles.

Google Passages is part of Google’s ongoing efforts to improve the precision and relevance of search results, especially for complex, lengthy, or information-rich content. It helps content creators by allowing their valuable content buried deep in an article to be surfaced more effectively in search results, potentially driving more organic traffic to their websites. To optimize for Google Passages, it’s essential to create comprehensive and well-structured content that directly addresses users’ questions and needs throughout the article.

Tightened page headers

Tightened page headers can significantly impact SEO, both positively and negatively, depending on how they are implemented. A page header typically refers to the content that appears at the top of a webpage, including the title, navigation menu, and sometimes a logo. When you “tighten” a page header, you are making it more compact or reducing the space it occupies on the screen.

Positive Impact on SEO

Improved User Experience (UX). A streamlined, tightened page header can enhance the user experience by reducing clutter and making it easier for visitors to find and interact with the content they’re looking for. A clean and efficient design can lead to longer user dwell times and lower bounce rates, both of which are positive signals to search engines.

Faster Page Load Times. A smaller page header can contribute to faster page load times, especially on mobile devices. Google considers page speed as a ranking factor, and faster-loading pages tend to rank higher in search results.

Mobile Friendliness. With the prevalence of mobile devices, a compact header can improve the mobile-friendliness of a website. Google prioritizes mobile-friendly sites in its search results, so this can positively impact SEO for mobile searches.

Negative Impact on SEO

Reduced Visibility for Important Elements. If you tighten the page header too much, it might reduce the visibility of critical elements like the site’s branding, navigation menu, or important call-to-action buttons. This can hinder user engagement and potentially lead to a drop in rankings.

Keyword Optimization. Page headers often contain important SEO elements like the page title and meta description. If you reduce the header size to the point where it limits your ability to include relevant keywords or a compelling meta description, it could negatively impact your page’s search engine rankings.

Accessibility Issues. A tightly condensed header can pose accessibility challenges, making it harder for users with disabilities to navigate the website. Search engines also take accessibility into account when ranking websites, so neglecting this aspect can hurt SEO.

Tightening page headers can impact SEO by influencing user experience, page load times, and mobile friendliness, but it must be done carefully to avoid compromising essential SEO elements and accessibility. Balancing a clean, efficient design with the need for key SEO elements and accessibility features is crucial for maintaining or improving your website’s search engine rankings. It’s essential to conduct usability testing and monitor your site’s performance and rankings after making any significant design changes to ensure they have the desired impact on SEO.

Headlines evoking deep emotions

Emotionally-charged headlines can have both direct and indirect effects on SEO (Search Engine Optimization). While SEO primarily involves optimizing content for search engines, the user experience and engagement that emotional headlines can generate play a role in how search engines rank web pages.

Click Through Rate CTR

Improved Click-Through Rates (CTR). Emotionally-evocative headlines have the potential to capture the reader’s attention and generate a stronger emotional response. When people are emotionally engaged, they are more likely to click on a search result. Higher click-through rates (CTR) can be an indirect signal to search engines that your content is relevant and engaging, which can positively impact your rankings.

Enhanced User Engagement. Emotional headlines can encourage users to stay on your page longer and engage more deeply with your content. When visitors spend more time on your site, it signals to search engines that your content is valuable and relevant, potentially leading to higher rankings. Additionally, increased engagement, such as social shares and comments, can also contribute to improved SEO.

Reduced Bounce Rates. If your emotionally-charged headline aligns with the content on your page and meets the user’s expectations, it’s less likely that visitors will quickly bounce back to the search results. Lower bounce rates can positively affect your SEO, as high bounce rates can signal to search engines that your content may not be satisfying user intent.

Social Signals. Content with emotionally-engaging headlines is more likely to be shared on social media platforms. Social signals, such as likes, shares, and comments, can indirectly impact SEO. Search engines may consider content that receives a lot of social engagement as more valuable and relevant, potentially leading to higher rankings in search results.

Enhanced Brand Awareness. Emotionally-charged headlines can help build your brand’s identity and create a memorable impression on users. As your brand gains recognition and trust, users may be more likely to search for your brand specifically, which can lead to improved organic search traffic.

Increased Backlinks. Compelling headlines can attract the attention of other content creators and bloggers, leading to more backlinks to your content. High-quality backlinks are a significant factor in SEO, as they indicate the authority and relevance of your content.

However, it’s essential to use emotionally-charged headlines judiciously. Overusing emotional tactics or using them inappropriately can negatively impact your SEO. Additionally, the content behind the headline must deliver on the emotional promise; otherwise, users may feel deceived and quickly leave your site, harming your SEO efforts.

Emotionally-charged headlines can influence SEO by improving CTR, user engagement, and social signals. Still, it’s crucial to maintain a balance and ensure that the emotional appeal aligns with the content and user intent to create a positive impact on your search engine rankings.

Video Snippets within the Search Results

Video snippets in search results can have a significant impact on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in several ways:

Increased Visibility. Video snippets often appear prominently in search results, either in the video carousel or as featured video thumbnails. When your video snippet appears for relevant search queries, it can increase your content’s visibility and click-through rates. This heightened visibility can result in more organic traffic to your website or YouTube channel.

Enhanced User Engagement. Video content tends to be more engaging than text-based content. When users click on video snippets, they are likely to spend more time on your website or platform. This extended dwell time can signal to search engines that your content is valuable and relevant to the user’s query, potentially boosting your rankings over time.

Video in search results

Reduced Bounce Rates. If your video provides valuable information and keeps users engaged, it can help reduce bounce rates. Lower bounce rates indicate that users are finding what they were looking for on your page, which is a positive signal for SEO.

Improved Click-Through Rates (CTR). Video snippets with visually appealing thumbnails and compelling titles can lead to higher CTRs. When more users click on your video snippet, search engines may interpret this as a sign of relevance, potentially improving your rankings.

Rich Results and SERP Features. Google may include video snippets as part of rich results or SERP (Search Engine Results Page) features like “Top Stories” or “Video Carousel.” These rich results can attract more attention and enhance your content’s perceived credibility and authority.

Opportunities for Multimedia Content. Video snippets allow you to diversify your content strategy. By incorporating videos alongside traditional text content, you can reach a broader audience and accommodate different learning styles and preferences.

Increased Backlinks and Social Shares. High-quality videos have the potential to attract backlinks and social shares. If other websites and social media users find your videos valuable, they may link to or share your content, which can improve your website’s overall SEO authority.

YouTube SEO. If your videos are hosted on platforms like YouTube, optimizing your video descriptions, titles, and tags can help improve their visibility on both YouTube and Google search. This can drive additional traffic to your videos and website.

To make the most of video snippets for SEO, consider the following best practices:

  • Create high-quality, informative, and engaging video content.
  • Optimize video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords.
  • Use appealing video thumbnails that accurately represent the video’s content.
  • Ensure your video landing page provides additional context and information related to the video.
  • Monitor video performance, track user engagement metrics, and refine your content strategy based on insights.

Video snippets in search results can positively affect SEO by increasing visibility, user engagement, and click-through rates. However, to leverage this opportunity effectively, it’s essential to create high-quality videos that align with user intent and optimize your video content for search engines.

Optimize for Google’s People Also Ask (PAA)

Optimizing your SEO content for Google’s “People Also Ask” (PAA) feature can help you gain more visibility in search results and provide valuable information to users seeking answers to related questions.

Google's People Also Ask PAA

Here are steps to tweak your SEO content for the “People Also Ask” box:

Identify Relevant Questions. Research the keywords and topics related to your content to identify questions that users commonly ask. Use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner, AnswerThePublic, or other SEO tools to find relevant queries.

Create Comprehensive Content. Craft high-quality content that comprehensively addresses the primary topic of your page. Make sure your content is well-researched, informative, and valuable to users.

Answer PAA Questions. Within your content, answer the questions you’ve identified as relevant to the topic. Provide concise and informative answers to these questions.

Use Subheadings. Structure your content using subheadings or headings to clearly delineate different sections, including those that address PAA questions. Use descriptive headings that match the query as closely as possible.

Natural Integration. Ensure that your answers to PAA questions are integrated naturally into your content. Avoid stuffing keywords or over-optimizing, as this can harm the user experience.

FAQ Section. Consider including a dedicated FAQ section within your content where you answer PAA questions. This helps users quickly find the information they seek and can improve your chances of appearing in the “People Also Ask” box.

Provide Depth and Value. Go beyond providing basic answers. Offer in-depth explanations, examples, statistics, or additional resources that make your content more valuable and authoritative.

Markup with Schema. Use schema markup to highlight your FAQ content. This can make it more likely for Google to feature your answers in the PAA box.

Regularly Update Content. Stay current with your content. Regularly update and expand your articles to reflect new information and developments in your field. This can help maintain your rankings in PAA and other search results.

Monitor Performance. Track how your content is performing in search results, especially in the “People Also Ask” feature. Tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console can provide insights into your traffic and rankings.

Competitor Analysis. Analyze competitor content that appears in PAA for the same queries. Identify gaps or opportunities to provide more comprehensive and valuable answers.

User Experience Matters. Ensure that your website is user-friendly, loads quickly, and is mobile-responsive. A positive user experience can contribute to better SEO rankings.

Encourage Engagement. Encourage users to engage with your content by asking them to ask questions, leave comments, or share their own experiences related to the topic.

By following these steps and focusing on providing valuable, well-structured content that answers users’ questions, you can increase your chances of appearing in Google’s “People Also Ask” feature, drive more organic traffic to your website, and establish yourself as an authority in your niche.

AI-Generated Content

AI-generated content can have both positive and negative effects on SEO (Search Engine Optimization), depending on how it is utilized.

Surfer SEO AI Generated Content

Here’s how AI-generated content can affect SEO:

Positive Effects:

Content Generation at Scale: AI can produce a large volume of content quickly and efficiently. This can be valuable for SEO strategies that require a lot of content, such as creating blog posts, product descriptions, or landing pages for e-commerce websites.

Improved Content Quality: Advanced AI models like GPT-3 have the capability to generate high-quality, coherent, and contextually relevant content. This can lead to more engaging and informative content for users, which can positively impact SEO by reducing bounce rates and increasing dwell time.

Content Personalization: AI can analyze user data and behavior to personalize content recommendations and experiences. Personalized content can enhance user engagement and satisfaction, leading to higher rankings in search results.

Automated Meta Tags and Descriptions: AI can assist in generating meta tags, meta descriptions, and alt text for images, which are essential for on-page SEO. Properly optimized meta information can improve click-through rates from search results.

Efficient Keyword Research: AI-powered tools can analyze large datasets and identify valuable keywords and topics for content creation. This can help content creators and SEO professionals target the right keywords to rank for.

Content Optimization: AI can provide insights into how to optimize content for search engines. It can suggest improvements in terms of keyword usage, content structure, readability, and more.

Negative Effects:

Quality Concerns: While AI can generate content, it may lack the nuance, creativity, and depth that human-generated content offers. Poorly generated content can hurt user experience and SEO rankings.

Duplicate Content: If AI is used indiscriminately to generate content across multiple pages or websites, it can lead to issues with duplicate content, which can be penalized by search engines.

Loss of Authenticity: AI-generated content may lack the authenticity and voice that human-generated content provides. Authenticity is a key factor in building trust with users.

Ethical and Legal Concerns: The use of AI for content generation must comply with ethical and legal guidelines. Plagiarism and copyright infringement issues can arise if AI is used carelessly.

User Engagement: AI-generated content may not always resonate with users as effectively as human-created content. This can result in lower engagement metrics, which can negatively affect SEO.

AI-generated content can affect SEO in various ways. When used wisely and in conjunction with human oversight, it can be a valuable tool for content creation and optimization. However, it’s essential to prioritize content quality, authenticity, and user engagement to ensure a positive impact on SEO and user experience. AI should complement, not replace, human creativity and expertise in content development and SEO strategies.

Digital Accessibility

Digital accessibility refers to the practice of ensuring that websites, applications, and digital content are designed and developed to be usable by people with disabilities. Accessibility not only benefits users with disabilities but also has several implications for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

SEO Trends Digital Accessibility

Here’s how digital accessibility can affect SEO:

Improved User Experience (UX): Accessibility features like clear navigation, legible fonts, and easy-to-use forms enhance the overall user experience. When users have a positive experience on your website, they are more likely to stay longer, engage with your content, and convert. Google considers user experience metrics like bounce rate and dwell time when ranking pages.

Expanded Audience: Making your digital content accessible means it can be used by a broader audience, including people with disabilities. This larger audience can lead to increased traffic to your website, which is a positive signal for search engines.

Reduced Bounce Rates: Websites that are inaccessible or difficult to use may have higher bounce rates, meaning users leave the site quickly. High bounce rates can negatively impact SEO rankings. By making your site accessible, you can reduce bounce rates and improve engagement.

SEO Penalties for Inaccessibility: Search engines like Google aim to provide the best results to users, which includes ensuring that the websites they recommend are accessible to everyone. In some cases, if your website is found to be non-compliant with accessibility standards, it may face penalties in search rankings.

Voice Search and Assistive Technologies: Accessibility is crucial for voice search and assistive technologies like screen readers. Optimizing for these technologies can indirectly benefit SEO, as voice search continues to grow in popularity.

Rich Snippets and Schema Markup: Structured data and schema markup, which help search engines understand the content on your pages, can also be used to enhance accessibility. This can lead to your content being displayed more prominently in search results, such as featured snippets.

Content Perceived as Authoritative: Websites that are designed with accessibility in mind often come across as more professional and trustworthy. This perception can positively impact your site’s authority, which can, in turn, lead to higher rankings in search results.

Mobile Accessibility: As mobile devices are widely used for web browsing, ensuring your website is accessible on mobile platforms is essential for SEO. Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in its search results.

Digital accessibility can have a significant impact on SEO by improving user experience, expanding your audience, reducing bounce rates, and ensuring compliance with search engine ranking criteria. It’s not just a matter of compliance but also a strategic approach to enhancing your website’s overall performance and visibility in search results. As search engines continue to prioritize user-centric metrics, investing in digital accessibility is becoming increasingly important for SEO success.

Featured Snippets and Zero-Click Results

Featured Snippets and Zero-Click Results are two related but distinct concepts in the realm of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). They both have significant implications for how websites appear in search engine results pages (SERPs) and how users interact with search results.

SEO Zero Click Results Featured Snippets

Featured Snippets

A Featured Snippet is a special type of search result that Google displays at the top of the organic search results, usually in a prominent box. It provides a concise and direct answer to a user’s query, often extracted from a webpage that ranks in the top search results. Featured Snippets aim to provide users with a quick and authoritative response to their questions without the need to click on a specific search result.

Key characteristics of Featured Snippets in terms of SEO:

Visibility and Authority: Getting your content featured in a Featured Snippet can significantly increase your visibility in search results. Google sees your content as authoritative for that specific query.

High Click-Through Rates: While it may seem counterintuitive, Featured Snippets can actually increase click-through rates to your website. Users often click on the Featured Snippet to explore more details on the topic.

Structured Content: To increase the chances of your content being featured in a snippet, create content that is structured and directly answers common user queries related to your niche.

Concise Information: The content in a Featured Snippet should be concise and directly address the user’s question. Bulleted lists, tables, and step-by-step instructions often work well.

Zero-Click Results

Zero-Click Results refer to instances where a user’s query is answered directly in the search results, and they don’t need to click on any specific link to get the information they seek. Featured Snippets are a common example of zero-click results, but other types include knowledge panels, maps, weather forecasts, and more.

Key characteristics of Zero-Click Results in terms of SEO:

Reduced Click-Through Rates: While Featured Snippets can increase click-through rates, other types of zero-click results can reduce them. If users find the information they need in the search results, they may not click on any specific website link.

Increased SERP Competition: With zero-click results becoming more prevalent, there’s increased competition for the limited space at the top of SERPs. Websites must adapt their SEO strategies to aim for Featured Snippets or optimize for other zero-click results.

Information Presentation: Consider the format in which you present information. For example, providing structured data to Google can increase your chances of being featured in knowledge panels or other zero-click results.

Local SEO: Zero-click results often include local information, such as maps and business listings. Optimizing your local SEO is essential for appearing in these results.

Featured Snippets and Zero-Click Results are important aspects of SEO that reflect Google’s efforts to provide quick and direct answers to user queries. These features can both enhance and challenge traditional SEO strategies, so it’s important for website owners and SEO professionals to understand how to optimize for them and provide valuable content that satisfies user intent.

Topical Authority

Topical authority is a concept in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) that refers to a website’s expertise and authority on a specific topic or subject matter. It involves creating high-quality, comprehensive content related to a particular topic and consistently demonstrating expertise in that area.

Graphic of how to achieve levels of topical authority

Topical authority is important for SEO for several reasons:

Improved Search Rankings: Search engines like Google aim to deliver the most relevant and authoritative content to users. When your website is recognized as an authoritative source on a specific topic, it is more likely to rank higher in search results related to that topic.

Trust and Credibility: Websites with topical authority are perceived as trustworthy and credible sources of information. Users are more likely to trust and engage with content from authoritative sources, which can lead to increased user engagement, longer dwell times, and lower bounce rates—all of which are positive signals to search engines.

Long-Term Visibility: Building topical authority is a long-term strategy. Once established, it can lead to consistent visibility and traffic for relevant search queries over time. This sustainability is valuable for maintaining a strong online presence.

Competitive Advantage: In competitive industries, demonstrating topical authority can be a key differentiator. It allows you to stand out from competitors and capture a larger share of the target audience.

Featured Snippets and Rich Results: Content from authoritative sources is more likely to appear in featured snippets and other rich results, which can increase your content’s visibility and click-through rates in search results.

Niche Domination: In niche markets or industries, establishing topical authority can lead to domination of search results for relevant queries. This can position your website as the go-to resource in that niche.

User Engagement: Authoritative content tends to attract more user engagement in the form of comments, shares, and backlinks. These engagement signals can positively impact your SEO rankings.

To build topical authority for your website, consider the following strategies:

Create High-Quality Content: Develop comprehensive, well-researched, and informative content that covers a wide range of aspects within your chosen topic.

Consistency: Regularly update your content and stay current with industry developments to maintain topical authority.

Backlinks: Attract high-quality backlinks from reputable websites within your niche. Backlinks are a significant factor in demonstrating authority.

Social Proof: Actively engage on social media, share your content, and build a following in your niche. Social signals can indirectly impact SEO.

Structured Data and Schema Markup: Use structured data and schema markup to help search engines understand the context and relevance of your content.

Topical authority is crucial for SEO because it helps your website rank higher, build trust and credibility, and maintain long-term visibility in search results. It’s a valuable asset in the competitive world of online content, and investing in it can lead to sustained organic traffic and success.

First-hand experience and E-E-A-T

First-hand experience can benefit SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in several ways, particularly when it comes to content creation and user engagement.

In December of 2022, Google introduced a significant update to its E-A-T (Expertise, Authority, Trust) algorithm, incorporating an additional “E” for Experience.

With this enhancement, the revamped E-E-A-T algorithm takes into account the experience of the content author or creator as a crucial factor in assessing the quality of the content.

Google's E-E-A-T Experience Expertise Authority Trust

Here are some ways in which first-hand experience contributes to a stronger SEO strategy:

Authenticity and Authority: When you have first-hand experience with a topic or subject matter, it allows you to speak with authority and authenticity. This authenticity is evident to users and search engines, making your content more trustworthy and credible. Search engines often favor authoritative content in their rankings.

In-Depth Knowledge: First-hand experience usually means you have in-depth knowledge of the topic. This enables you to create comprehensive, informative, and valuable content that can rank well in search results. High-quality, detailed content tends to perform better in SEO.

User-Centric Content: First-hand experience allows you to create content that addresses the real needs and questions of your target audience. By understanding their pain points and challenges, you can tailor your content to provide solutions and valuable insights. This user-centric approach can lead to higher user engagement and better SEO metrics.

Unique Insights: Personal experiences often provide unique insights that others may not have. These unique perspectives can set your content apart from competitors and attract a more specific and engaged audience.

More Effective Keyword Targeting: With first-hand experience, you can identify and target long-tail keywords and phrases that are highly relevant to your audience. These specific keywords can drive targeted organic traffic to your website.

Engaging Storytelling: Sharing your personal experiences through storytelling can make your content more engaging and relatable to users. Engaged users are more likely to spend more time on your website, reducing bounce rates and improving SEO.

Expertise Recognition: Over time, consistently providing content based on your first-hand experience can establish you as an industry expert or thought leader. This recognition can lead to more backlinks, citations, and mentions, which can boost your website’s authority and SEO rankings.

User Reviews and Testimonials: If you’re running a business or offering products/services, positive first-hand experiences from customers can lead to user-generated content like reviews and testimonials. These user-generated content pieces can enhance your website’s credibility and SEO.

Content Freshness: Sharing real-time or recent first-hand experiences keeps your content fresh and up-to-date. Search engines favor fresh content, and regularly updating your website with new insights can contribute to improved rankings.

Earning Backlinks: High-quality, informative content based on your first-hand experience can attract natural backlinks from other websites. Backlinks from reputable sources are a strong signal to search engines of your website’s authority and relevance.

First-hand experience can benefit SEO by enabling you to create authoritative, user-centric, and engaging content. It sets you apart as an expert, helps you target relevant keywords, and can lead to improved user engagement, backlinks, and overall website authority—all of which are important factors in SEO success.


SEO is always changing and it is constantly evolving. That means that if you want to stay atop the search engines and drive traffic to your website, you need to keep up with the evolution of Google’s algorithms trends. This will ensure the survival of your business on the World Wide Web.

User experience, voice search, creating high-quality content, responsive mobile design, and being omnipresent across the internet are the ingredients needed for a successful search engine optimization campaign. If you master these techniques, your business will be able to compete in a very competitive market.

Finally, nothing beats creating relationships with individuals who will help keep your brand thriving through referrals and backlinks. Don’t just rely on computer-generated AI to get ranked.

Remember a user is a person. So, think like a person, not a computer. Think about how people will search for your product or services. Create high-quality content and answer questions and solves problems. If you do this 2024 will be profitable for you because Google will reward you for providing value.

I hope this article has brought you to value and will help you in your SEO efforts for 2024. If you need any help with search engine optimization, feel free to contact me anytime. Have a great day! Take care.

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